March 06, 2025

Call to Order
Mayor Frazier called the regular City Council meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 in Council Chambers, City Hall.
Roll Call of Members: Clerk-Treasurer Danielle Harthun conducted a roll call verifying the presence of Council Members Steve Strand, Shelley Gummeringer, Curt Markgraf - absent, Don Perrin - absent and Mayor Brent E. Frazier.
Staff present: Administrator Lance Roisum, Clerk-Treasurer Danielle Harthun, CEDA Rep Jordan Grossman, Police Chief Todd Quaintance, Fire Chief Shad Hanson
General Attendance: Nate Kunde, Justin Fure, Paul Johnson, Nicole WK from the Pelican Press.
Welcoming Remarks
Mayor Frazier welcomed everyone present and those joining via Zoom. He noted the meeting would be broadcast on the Pelican Rapids YouTube channel and on channel 14 on Wednesday evening.
Mayor Frazier announced upcoming events and meetings.
Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Frazier led those present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Citizen's Comments
Mayor Frazier asked if anyone was present for citizen's comments not on the agenda.
Justin Fure, a citizen, announced that the food shelf annual meeting and open house would be held on Thursday. The open house is from 10:00 am to 11:30 am, followed by the annual meeting at 12:00 pm. He invited all Council Members to attend and learn about the food shelf's effectiveness and statistics.
Additions / Deletions to Agenda
Mayor Frazier proposed the following changes to the agenda:
• Addition: Item 4d - Gambling Permit for Pelican Rapids Ducks Unlimited
• Deletion: Item 7 - Streets and Parks Report
Strand moved to approve the agenda with the addition of 4d and deleting the Street Report. Gummeringer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Consent Agenda
Mayor Frazier read the items on the consent agenda:
• Approval of Council Minutes – January 28, 2025
• Approval of Accounts Payable Listings
• Staff Reports including the Police and Library Report.
• Gambling Permit for Pelican Rapids Ducks Unlimited, VFW, March 28, 2025.
Strand moved to approve the consent agenda. Gummeringer seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Otter Tail Power Letter of Intent for Distributive Solar Energy Site
Nate Kunde, Operations Manager for Otter Tail Power Company, discussed a potential partnership with the City for a distributed solar energy site. He explained that due to carbon-free legislation by the Minnesota Legislature, investor-owned utilities must source some of their Minnesota retail energy from solar. The proposed site in Pelican Rapids would be about 20 acres near the lagoons, with a lease term of 35 years at $300 per acre. The City would also receive a production tax from the solar array. The letter of intent is non-binding and provides Otter Tail Power the option to finalize the lease if the project is selected in May. Construction would likely begin in 2028 or 2029. In its first year, the city could earn about $7,500 to $8,000, with a 2% annual increase, potentially totaling $450,000 over 35 years. Council members inquired about site location, visibility, and landscape impact. Kunde reassured them, noting the site was chosen for its minimal impact on residents and future growth.
Gummeringer moved to accept and sign the letter of intent for the solar energy site. Frazier seconded the motion. The motion carried, with Strand expressing reservations about the aesthetic impact of solar panels.
PRFD Elections & Fire Call Report
Fire Chief Shad Hanson reported that the Pelican Rapids Fire Department elections for 2025 resulted in no changes, with Shad Hanson as Chief, Jesse Hoadley as Assistant Chief, and Wyatt Haiby as Secretary. He also presented the 2024 fire call report, revealing 84 calls: 52 rural, 24 city, and 8 mutual aid calls. Hanson remarked that the year was average in terms of fire call volume.
Strand moved to approve the report and the election results. Gummeringer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Friendship Festival
Paul Johnson, a local artist known for his Pelican Rapids logo, spoke about the Friendship Festival. He expressed appreciation for the City's support of community art projects and emphasized the festival's significance. Johnson highlighted that the Friendship Festival highlights the community's unique diversity, setting it apart from other towns and community events. He suggested that more investment should go into promoting the event to neighboring communities and recommended enhancing the festival by bringing in more talent and expanding its offerings to restore its former glory. He noted that the festival aligns with the city's tagline, "Small town warmth, diverse delight," and urged the council to consider providing financial assistance to enhance the festival further.
Mayor Frazier thanked Johnson for his work in the community and assured him that the council would consider his suggestions.
Local Match & CDA Public Infrastructure Resolution No. 2025-03
Jordan Grossman, CEDA, outlined details of a Community Growth Partnership Grant through Otter Tail County CDA aimed at housing development. The city has an opportunity to apply for up to $100,000 from the CDA for public infrastructure related to housing projects, requiring a 1:1 match of $100,000 from local funds. Of this, $40,000 is available through EDA funds, with about $60,000 expected from liquor store funds. Grossman also shared a map depicting the proposed housing development, featuring utilities and road expansion and plans for twin home development, alongside potential for other multi-family or single-family housing.
Motion to approve RESOLUTION 2025-03 REQUIRED RESOLUTION PROVISIONS FOR OTTER TAIL COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMUNITY GROWTH PARTNERSHIP GRANT PROGRAM was made by Strand, seconded by Gummeringer. (A complete text of this resolution is part of permanent public record in the City Clerk’s office.) Motion passed and resolution declared duly adopted.
City Hall – Verizon Site Agreement Amendment
Lance Roisum discussed the Verizon site agreement amendment, noting that the original agreement, established in February 2002, is set to expire on November 11, 2026. Verizon wishes to extend the agreement for an additional five, five-year terms (25 years total). The agreement specifies 4% annual rent increases, with the current rent approximately $1,000 per month. It includes provisions for equipment space inside the building, as well as area on and beneath the tower for the generator.
Strand moved to approve the Verizon site agreement amendment. Gummeringer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Village EAP Contract Renewal
Lance Roisum presented information on the Village EAP (Employee Assistance Program) contract renewal. The service offers counseling and support for employees and their families, allowing each household up to four sessions per household member for issues such as mental health, drug issues, and financial problems. The updated contract is for a three-year term at $1,500 per year, with no cost increase from the previous year. As part of the service, the city receives two trainings per year. There are plans to further promote the service to employees, including conducting an orientation during the yearly employee right-to-know training.
Strand moved to approve the Village EAP contract renewal. Gummeringer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Administrator Report
Administrator Roisum reported on multiple activities since the last City Council meeting. He collaborated with the Clerk and Mayor to organize the agenda and prepare for the City Council meeting. Roisum attended a Department Head meeting and coordinated with Danielle to meet HeyGov representatives about online reservations and payments for Sherin Park Campground. Additionally, he and Mayor Frazier met PeopleService and Jaramie Logelin of the MPCA to update the SIU agreement with WCT, discussing the Chloride variance and PFAS. Roisum worked with Verizon on updating the site agreement and submitted a pay equity report to the State. He cooperated with Otter Tail Power on their Letter of Intent for a proposed solar project and met with Brian to discuss the Facilities Plan with Apex Engineering. He also engaged with Charlie Lindberg from the Village to update the EAP contract. Mayor Frazier, Shad, and Roisum met with Dunn Township Chairman David Johnson regarding a proposed satellite fire station. Furthermore, Roisum collaborated with Jordan on drafting a storage ordinance, conducted employee performance evaluations, and attended a Park Board meeting.
Mayor Report
Mayor Frazier reported that since the last Council meeting, he had submitted weekly columns to the Pelican Press, visited area businesses and non-profits, and attended a Wastewater Meeting on January 31, 2025, at City Hall regarding an SIU Agreement with West Central Turkeys, Inc. and Chloride & PFAS Wastewater Treatment Facility discharge limits with Jaramie Logelin of MPCA, Greg Stang and Dennis Dalager of PeopleService and Administrator Roisum. On February 3, 2025, he authored a statement of support to Partnership 4 Health regarding their collaboration with the City on the Complete Streets Project. On February 4, 2025, he delivered a Welcome Address at the Military Education Day at the High School. On February 6, 2025, he met with Administrator Roisum, Fire Chief Shad Hanson, and Dunn Township Chair David L. Johnson regarding the proposed Fire Hall in Dunn Township. On February 7, 2025, he attended a 2025 Otter Tail County Emergency Management Summit Design Team Meeting at City Hall with Police Chief Quaintance and Otter Tail County personnel. On February 10, 2025, he met with Administrator Roisum to plan the agenda for that afternoon’s Council meeting.
Strand moved to adjourn the meeting. Gummeringer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 5:11 p.m.

Danielle Harthun,