Call to Order
Mayor Frazier called the regular City Council meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 in Council Chambers, City Hall.
Roll Call of Members: Clerk-Treasurer Danielle Harthun conducted a roll call verifying the presence of Council Members Steve Strand, Shelley Gummeringer, Curt Markgraf, Don Perrin and Mayor Brent E. Frazier.
Staff present: Administrator Lance Roisum, Clerk-Treasurer Danielle Harthun, CEDA Rep Jordan Grossman, Police Chief Todd Quaintance
General Attendance: John Waller III
Welcoming Remarks
Mayor Frazier welcomed everyone present and those joining via Zoom. He noted the meeting would be broadcast on the Pelican Rapids YouTube channel and on channel 14 on Wednesday evening.
Mayor Frazier announced upcoming events and meetings.
Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Frazier led those present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Citizen's Comments
Mayor Frazier asked if anyone was present for citizen's comments not on the agenda.
Additions / Deletions to Agenda
Mayor Frazier proposed three additions to the agenda:
• No. 13: Liquor Store Hire
• No. 14: Industrial Park Lot
• No. 15: Pickleball Courts
Strand moved to approve the agenda with the additions of the Liquor Store Hire, Industrial Park Lot and the Pickleball Courts. Markgraf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Consent Agenda
Mayor Frazier read the items on the consent agenda:
• Approval of Council Minutes – January 14, 2025
• Approval of Accounts Payable Listings
• Staff Reports including the Utility Reports for November and December 2024 and the Liquor Store Report.
• Intent to Certify for unpaid Utility Bills, Parcel 76000990137000, $591.32 and Parcel 76000220013006, $458.74
Markgraf moved to approve the consent agenda. Gummeringer seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Police Department – Chief Quaintance
Chief Quaintance introduced Sandra Mendoza to take the oath of office as a new police officer. Chief Quaintance administered the oath, which Officer Mendoza repeated. The council congratulated Officer Mendoza on her appointment.
Liquor Store Hire
Maggie Johnson, liquor store manager, requested approval to hire Mason Berube as a part-time employee at Level 1 (Step 1), which is $20.69 per hour. She explained they needed additional part-time help to cover sick time and other staffing needs.
Markgraf moved to approve the hire of Mason Berube at Level 1 for the liquor store. Perrin seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Tax Abatement Public Hearing and Resolution 2025-01
Mayor Frazier recessed the Council Meeting to start the Public Hearing on Tax Abatement. Harthun explained the history behind the housing tax abatement incentive and the property and circumstances of the property. There were no comments from the public. Mayor Frazier closed the public hearing.
Motion to approve RESOLUTION 2025-01 APPROVING PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENTS was made by Markgraf, seconded by Strand. (A complete text of this resolution is part of permanent public record in the City Clerk’s office.) Motion passed and resolution declared duly adopted.
Pickleball Courts
Jordan Grossman presented on behalf of a group of Pickleball players seeking new Courts within city limits. After evaluating potential sites, the group identified an area on city land as the most feasible location for four Pickleball Courts. Grossman noted the Planning Commission was agreeable to the idea, and she had received favorable feedback from one Park Board member so far. She requested Council approval to move forward with planning for this location, pending full Park Board approval.
Grossman clarified no city funds were being requested at this time.
Strand moved to move forward with Pickleball Courts planning. Perrin seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Resolution 2025-02 Special Use Permit
John Waller III from the Planning Commission presented Resolution 2025-02 regarding a Special Use Permit for Peteyville storage. He explained the organization wanted to place a storage container by the sand and salt shed which is in a commercial zone, needing the permit. The Planning Commission had approved it. Peteyville organizers also asked for the $200 fee to be waived. Council members sought clarification on the exact location and if Public Works was comfortable with the placement. Waller confirmed that Public Works had directed where to place the container.
Strand moved to approve the Resolution 2025-02 for the storage container placement. Markgraf seconded.
Strand moved to amend his motion to include waiving the $200 one-time fee. Markgraf seconded the amendment.
Both the amendment and the main motion carried unanimously.
Industrial Park Lot
The City was contacted by the Miguel Torres, owner of 1 Industrial Park Drive. When he was given the lot, he had 18 months (which expires in February) to build on 1 Industrial Park Drive and he is now asking for a four-month extension. After some discussion, it was decided that 18 months had been enough time.
Strand moved to deny the extension for Miguel Torres, Gummeringer seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Pay Equity Report
Lance Roisum presented the City's pay equity report, which must be submitted to the State of Minnesota every three years. He explained the report ensures there are no discrepancies in pay between male and female employees in the same positions.
Roisum noted that based on preliminary analysis, the City appears to be in compliance.
Strand moved to approve submitting and signing the pay equity report. Perrin seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Computer Use Policy Updated
Harthun presented an updated computer use policy. She explained that after a new employee raised questions about the existing policy from 2007, they obtained a more current version from the League of Minnesota Cities. The new policy, dated 2023, includes more relevant topics such as AI usage. Both Harthun and Roisum reviewed the policy and found no issues with its content.
Markgraf moved to approve the updated computer use policy, seconded by Strand. The motion carried unanimously.
Administrator Report
Administrator Roisum reported that since the last Council meeting he has: worked with the Clerk and Mayor to set the agenda and prepped for the Council meeting, attended a department head meeting, attended the monthly West Central Initiative Solar Cohort meeting, met with Aaron Meyer from Minnesota Rural Water about the Wellhead Protection Plan, attended an online meeting with the regional MCMA members, worked on the pay equity report, finalized information needed for the new phone system and met with Arvig, Met with the Mayor and surrounding communities and League of Minnesota Cities officials in Rothsay, attended a Safety and Wellness Committee meeting, met with the Mayor and Otter Tail Power Operations Manager Nate Kunde about the possibility of a solar array on city property, talked with Charlie Lindberg of the Village about the Employee Assistance Program and its upcoming renewal, met with Jordan, Brian, and the local Pickleball group discussing possible locations of new courts, worked on employee performance evaluations, met with Mentor Group and attended a Planning Commission meeting.
Mayor Report
Mayor Frazier reported that since the last Council meeting he has; submitted weekly columns to the Pelican Press, visited with area businesses and non-profits, attended a League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) meeting at the Rothsay City Hall on January 22 with Administrator Roisum, conducted a Conversations with the Mayor session at the library on January 23, met with Nate Kunde of Otter Tail Power Company and Administrator Roisum at City Hall on January 23 regarding a proposed solar energy site on city property and met on January 27 with Administrator Roisum to plan the agenda for this afternoon’s Council meeting.
Strand moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:01 p.m, seconded by Markgraf. The motion carried unanimously.
Danielle Harthun,
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