State of Minnesota County of Otter Tail
October 03, 2024
Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statute 394.26 NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Otter Tail County Board of Adjustment in the Commissioners’ Room of the Otter Tail County Government Services Center, Fergus Falls, MN or virtually (please refer to the Otter Tail County website for the link for the meeting) at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 10, 2024, for considering applications for variance for the following:
1. Richard Gunderson, W 160’ of Ely 1046’ of Lot 6, Section 03 of Dunn Township by Pelican Lake (56-786), request a variance from the ordinary high water level requirement and non-dwelling height requirement of the Shoreland Management Ordinance.
2. Diane Lang Rev Tst, Lot 10 of Silent Point, Section 13 of Dora Township by West Silent Lake (56-519), request a variance from the ordinary high water level requirement of the Otter Tail County Sanitation Code.
3. Tyler & Brianna Anderson, .23 Acres Pt of GL 4, Section 29 of Dunn Township by Lizzie Lake (56-760), request a variance from the lotline requirement of the Otter Tail County Sanitation Code.
Detailed information regarding any specific application listed above is available on Otter Tail County’s web site at, by contacting the Otter Tail County Land & Resource Management office by phone at (218) 998-8095 or by mail at 540 Fir Ave W, Fergus Falls, MN 56537.
Individuals requiring special accommodations should contact the County Land & Resource Management office prior to the date of the public hearing.
Otter Tail County
Board of Adjustment
1. Richard Gunderson, W 160’ of Ely 1046’ of Lot 6, Section 03 of Dunn Township by Pelican Lake (56-786), request a variance from the ordinary high water level requirement and non-dwelling height requirement of the Shoreland Management Ordinance.
2. Diane Lang Rev Tst, Lot 10 of Silent Point, Section 13 of Dora Township by West Silent Lake (56-519), request a variance from the ordinary high water level requirement of the Otter Tail County Sanitation Code.
3. Tyler & Brianna Anderson, .23 Acres Pt of GL 4, Section 29 of Dunn Township by Lizzie Lake (56-760), request a variance from the lotline requirement of the Otter Tail County Sanitation Code.
Detailed information regarding any specific application listed above is available on Otter Tail County’s web site at, by contacting the Otter Tail County Land & Resource Management office by phone at (218) 998-8095 or by mail at 540 Fir Ave W, Fergus Falls, MN 56537.
Individuals requiring special accommodations should contact the County Land & Resource Management office prior to the date of the public hearing.
Otter Tail County
Board of Adjustment
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